United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Recommendations for Everyone

This section provides USPA’s recommendations for skydiving that apply to all jumpers, regardless of discipline or experience. USPA updates them as equipment and techniques change.

4-1: Skydiving Emergencies copy link

A. Types of Emergencies

Types of skydiving emergencies include those occurring in aircraft, during freefall, on deployment, during canopy flight, and on landing.

B. Prevention and Preparation

Regular, periodic review, analysis, and practice of emergency procedures prepares you to act correctly in response to problems that arise while skydiving:

Annually, review all aircraft, deployment and landing emergency procedures using appropriate training aids.

Monthly, dedicate a clear-and-pull or high-pull jump to practicing canopy-flight-emergency-procedure skills.

Before each jump, review the procedures for both avoiding and responding to emergency situations. Long periods between jumps not only dull skills but heighten apprehensions.

At every reserve repack, practice your reserve emergency procedures on the ground. Simulate some type of main malfunction, then cut away and deploy the reserve. This practice will provide you with first-hand knowledge about the potential pull forces and direction of pull on your gear.

Proper preparation and responsible judgment greatly reduce the probability of encountering an emergency, but even with the greatest care, they may occasionally occur. Anticipating and being prepared to respond to various emergencies makes skydiving safer. One of the greatest causes of fatal incidents in skydiving is failure to effectively deal with an emergency situation.

Doing the following reduces risk:

  • Acquiring accurate knowledge
  • Jumping only in suitable conditions
  • Evaluating the risk factors
  • Knowing your personal limitations
  • Keeping your options open
  • Never sacrificing your decision altitude
  • Never cutting away below the 1,000-foot cutaway hard deck

Survival Skills

Altitude Awareness: Check your altimeter every 5 seconds (approximately 1,000 feet of freefall), every time you complete a maneuver, anytime you encounter difficulty, and if you simply do not know your altitude.

Pull Priorities: The number-one priority on any skydive is to pull. You can pull at any time during the skydive when encountering difficulty. The second priority is to pull at the assigned altitude, and the third priority is to preferably pull in a stable body position. A stable, face-to-earth body position improves opening reliability but is secondary to opening at the assigned altitude. Always prioritize altitude over stability.

Canopy Right-of-Way Rules: Look before you turn. Turn right to avoid other jumpers. The lower jumper has the right-of-way.

Landing Priorities: The number-one landing priority is to land with the wing level while flying in a straight line. The second landing priority is to land in a clear and open area, avoiding obstacles. The third landing priority is to flare, always being prepared to PLF. Remember: Landing with a level wing is a higher priority than landing in a clear and open area.

Land with a level wing, even if you need to make a flat turn to avoid an obstacle. Land in a clear and open area, even if it is farther from the drop zone. To avoid injury, always flare the parachute before touchdown with your feet and knees together, prepared for a PLF.

C. Aircraft Emergencies

Each skydiving center should establish and review procedures for all possible aircraft emergencies. Every pilot and non-student jumper should thoroughly understand these procedures. All students should take direction from their instructor(s). All licensed jumpers should take direction from the pilot.

D. Freefall Collisions

Jumpers face danger of collision when exiting in a group or when they lose track of each other when exiting on the same pass. Taking into account horizontal and vertical movement, the difference in speed between jumpers may reach upward of 150 mph. You must take precautions to prevent a collision with freefalling jumpers during and after opening.

E. Deployment Emergencies

Parachute Malfunctions (General)

Most malfunctions trace to three causes:

  1. poor or unstable body position during parachute deployment
  2. equipment failure
  3. improper or careless packing

Refer to Category A of the Integrated Student Program for specific, basic procedures for dealing with parachute malfunctions. Licensed jumpers may need to adjust procedures to accommodate different techniques, equipment, and personal preferences. Using safety devices, such as a reserve static line (RSL), preferably with a main-assisted-reserve-deployment (MARD) system; and an automatic activation device (AAD) can significantly reduce risk when encountering malfunctions.

You can prepare for emergencies by thinking through possible scenarios, having a plan in mind, and practicing reacting correctly. You should decide upon and take the appropriate actions by a predetermined altitude that should be no lower than 2,500 feet for students and A-license holders and no lower than 2,000 feet for B- and C-license holders. D-license holders should establish their decision altitude for themselves based on their experience and equipment.

Reserve Activation

Reserve pilot chutes contain a metal spring in the center, which adds to their weight. During a stable, belly-to-earth reserve deployment, the reserve pilot chute can remain in the jumper’s burble for several seconds, delaying reserve deployment. Immediately after pulling the reserve handle, look over your right shoulder while twisting your upper body upward to the right or sit up in a slightly head-high orientation to change the airflow behind your container to help the reserve pilot chute launch into clean air.

Most harness-and-container manufacturers secure the steering toggles to reserve risers using touch fasteners (e.g., Velcro), which will firmly hold the toggles in place. Be sure to peel the Velcro before attempting to pull the toggles free from the risers to unstow the brakes.

There are two categories of malfunctions:

  1. total malfunction:
    the main pin is not out; parachute is not activated or is activated but not deploying; the container is closed
  2. partial malfunction:
    the main pin is out; parachute is deployed but is not landable; the container is open

Total Malfunction

A total malfunction includes deployment-handle problems such as being unable to locate the main handle, a hard pull, a container lock, and a pilot chute in tow. You should attempt to solve the problem only when altitude permits and should make no more than two attempts or take no more than five additional seconds to solve the problem.


  • When no main pilot chute deploys (e.g., cannot find handle or hard pull), deploy the reserve.
  • For a pilot-chute-in-tow malfunction, there are currently two common and acceptable procedures, both of which have pros and cons. Seek guidance from an instructor to plan your training and ensure you’re prepared before you jump.
    • Pilot-chute-in-tow procedure 1: Pull the reserve immediately.

      A pilot-chute-in-tow malfunction is associated with a high descent rate and requires immediate action. The chance of a main-reserve entanglement is slim, and you could lose valuable time and altitude by initiating a cutaway before deploying your reserve. Be prepared to cut away. The main may deploy after the reserve is open, so be prepared for a two-out scenario.

    • Pilot-chute-in-tow procedure 2: Cut away, then immediately deploy the reserve.

      Because there is a chance the main parachute could deploy during or as a result of the reserve activation, a cutaway might be the best response in some situations.

Partial Malfunction

Deployment or partial deployment of the main parachute characterizes a partial malfunction. This includes pilot-chute entanglement, premature deployment, bag-lock, streamer and line-over malfunctions; tension knots; major or unlandable canopy damage; and other open-canopy malfunctions.

Emergency Procedures

The recommended procedure for responding to partial malfunctions is to cut away the main parachute before deploying the reserve. However, if you are below your cutaway hard deck of 1,000 feet, where it's too low for a safe cutaway, you must deploy the reserve and land both parachutes. Also, consider the operating range of the AAD when determining your personal malfunction-response altitudes.

Premature Main-Container Opening

A premature main-container opening happens when the main pin is dislodged, allowing the container to open and the bag to come out, but the main pilot chute is still stowed.

You can prevent a premature main-container opening by inspecting your closing loop regularly and asking for a pin check before exit. Move carefully in the aircraft and avoid your rig contacting the door frame during the climb-out and exit.

The recommended procedure is to first attempt to throw the main pilot chute; however, finding the pilot chute may be difficult after the bag is out of the container. Attempt to find the pilot chute twice or for 5 seconds. If that fails, cut away and deploy the reserve. If you are able to deploy the pilot chute, be prepared to execute emergency procedures as the main may not come out of the bag.

Two Canopies Out

Note: The following recommendations are drawn from experience with larger canopies during tests conducted in the mid-1990s. Smaller canopies may react differently and require a different response.

Various scenarios can result in having both parachutes deploy with one of the following outcomes:

  • One canopy inflated, another deploying
    • Attempt to contain the deploying canopy by stuffing it between your legs. If the second canopy’s deployment is inevitable, disconnect the RSL if possible, wait for inflation, and evaluate the result.
  • Stable biplane
    • Land both parachutes. Disconnect the reserve static line if altitude permits. If all toggles are stowed, leave them stowed. If any toggle is unstowed, unstow all of them. Steer using the rear risers of the front canopy only as necessary to maneuver for a safe landing. Land without flaring and perform a PLF.
  • Stable side-by-side (choose one procedure):
    • Side-by-side procedure 1:

      Land both parachutes.  Disconnect the reserve static line if altitude permits.  If all toggles are stowed, leave them stowed. If any toggle is unstowed, unstow all of them.  Steer using the rear risers of the dominant canopy (more overhead) only as necessary to maneuver for a safe landing. Land without flaring and perform a PLF.

    • Side-by-side procedure 2:

      If both canopies are flying without interference and altitude permits, disconnect the reserve static line. Confirm the parachutes are completely separated from each other then cut away the main and steer the reserve to a normal landing.

  • Downplane or pinwheel (canopies spinning around each other)
    • Disconnect the reserve static line if altitude permits. Cut away the main canopy and steer the reserve to a normal landing.
  • Main-reserve entanglement
    • Although rare, main-reserve entanglements can occur in multiple configurations, making a single solution impractical. Land both parachutes. Never give up trying to clear the entanglement or inflate the parachutes. Recommended techniques include pulling in the less-inflated canopy, hand over hand, to contain it, or pumping the brakes or rear risers of both parachutes to increase their inflation. Try to make the parachutes fly straight for landing. Prepare for and execute a PLF on landing.

F. Canopy-Flight Emergencies

A canopy-light emergency is any canopy emergency that happens under a fully inflated parachute, anytime during the canopy descent or landing. Canopy-flight emergency procedures (CEPs) are a set of five skills used in response to a canopy emergency during a canopy descent or landing. Be prepared for unexpected situations with regular practice of these skills.  (Stay alive, practice five.) 

Canopy Collisions

The best way to avoid a collision is prevention. You should know where other canopies are at all times. Most canopy collisions occur soon after deployment when two jumpers open too close to each other, or below 1,000 feet while in the landing pattern. Higher break-off altitudes, better planning and tracking farther can help ensure clear airspace during deployment. Every time you deploy your canopy, keep your eyes forward, looking for any jumpers deploying nearby who may open coming straight toward you. Steer with rear risers as soon as inflation allows. Fly perpendicularly to the aircraft line of flight until you have identified jumpers exiting after you. Remaining vigilant throughout the canopy descent and always looking in the direction of the turn before initiating it can help you identify and avoid other canopies during the descent. Canopy collisions are more likely to occur in the base leg of the landing pattern. Planning for a longer base leg promotes more predictability and visibility for everyone under canopy. Practicing the CEP drills of rear-riser turns and turn reversals monthly during a dedicated clear-and-pull or high-pull jump above decision altitude can build the proficiency needed to avoid a canopy collision.

Canopy collisions and the events leading up to them can be complex, making it impossible to offer just one solution for every situation. The following are accepted procedures for the most common scenarios:

If the canopies are approaching each other head on, both canopy pilots should steer to the right unless it is obvious that steering left is necessary to avoid the collision (both jumpers are more offset toward the left).

If a collision is inevitable, place your left arm across your handles, turn your face away from impact, and spread your legs as wide as possible. If the upper jumper is lower than the bottom skin of the other canopy, that jumper should clear lines and fabric away from their body, harness and three-ring system, cross their legs and be the first to cut away if altitude permits.

Entanglements After a Collision

If a collision with the other jumper’s suspension lines is unavoidable, try to capture as many suspension lines as possible to keep from passing through them during the collision. A high-speed collision with suspension lines can lead to severe cuts and burns. Check your altitude with respect to the minimum cutaway decision and execution altitude recommended for your experience.

Communicate before taking action. During a cutaway following a collision, the jumper above can strike the jumper below unless one or both are clear or ready to fend off. The lower jumper can worsen the situation for the jumper above by cutting away before they are clear of lines or are ready. Remember, communication may be difficult if one or both jumpers are wearing full-face helmets.

If both jumpers are cutting away and altitude permits, the second jumper should wait at least 5 seconds until the first jumper clears the area below. The first jumper should fly from underneath in a straight line after opening.

If the upper jumper is engulfed in the fabric of the other jumper's canopy, the lower jumper should be the first to cut away if altitude permits. The upper jumper should clear the cutaway canopy from their face and their canopy’s controls. Fly slowly to reduce inflation of the cutaway canopy. It is usually safer to keep the fabric on your body rather than risk having it inflate and downplane if all lines do not clear.

At some point below a safe cutaway altitude (1,000 feet), it may become necessary for one or both jumpers to deploy their reserves (may not be a safe option with a single-operation system, aka SOS system). The lower jumper's reserve will usually deploy faster due to more airspeed and being clear of lines or fabric. If both reserves deploy, it may be necessary for the lower jumper to release the entanglement by cutting away after ensuring that both jumpers have a canopy to land. This is called a canopy transfer and can be successfully executed as low as 200 feet to save both jumpers from striking the ground in a downplane. If both jumpers are suspended under one flying canopy at a low altitude, it may become necessary to land with only that canopy. In this case, the upper jumper should attempt to fly level and slowly.

Low Turns

Low turns under canopy are one of the biggest causes of serious injury and death in skydiving. A low turn can be premeditated, result from an error in judgment, or result from a lack of experience with a situation.

You can avoid low turns by flying to a large, uncrowded landing area free of obstacles and flying a planned landing pattern that promotes a cooperative traffic flow. If landing off, choose a landing area by 2,000 feet and plan a landing pattern with an obstacle-free final approach.

If you choose to turn at a low altitude to avoid an obstacle, use a braked turn and be prepared to flare from a braked position. Monthly practice of CEP drills of half-braked turns and half-braked flares during a dedicated clear-and-pull or high-pull jump can build the skills needed to avoid injury during landing emergencies.

If you make a turn at an unsafe altitude, where the parachute will not recover to level flight before touchdown without immediate input, a low-turn recovery, one of the CEPs, is necessary. As soon as you realize that you’ve made a turn at an unsafe altitude, use the toggles to get the canopy back overhead, stop the turn and dive, and slow the forward speed. Neutralize the turn by pulling down the toggle opposite the turn, resulting in a braked toggle position. Flare from the braked position and prepare for a hard landing (PLF). Manage the speed induced by the turn. Expect more-responsive flare control with the toggles due to the increased airspeed and expect a longer, flatter flare. In case of premature contact with the ground, no matter how hard the impact, keep flying the canopy to reduce further injury.

Monthly practice of the low-turn recovery CEP on a dedicated clear-and-pull or high-pull jump above decision altitude can build the proficiency needed to avoid injury or fatality due to a low turn near the ground.

G. Landing Emergencies

Monthly practice of the CEP drills of half-braked turns and flares on a dedicated clear-and-pull or high-pull jump can build the skills needed to avoid injury during landing emergencies.

Potential obstacles during landing include water, trees, buildings, power lines, fences and similar hazards. You can usually avoid these obstacles by properly preparing for your canopy flight by observing the winds and planning an appropriate landing pattern. Also, choosing an alternate landing area by 2,000 feet allows you to assess potential obstacles and plan your new pattern. Follow your landing priorities. The following are best practices or actions you can take when landing in or on common obstacles.

Water Landings

Procedures for an unintentional water landing focus on actions you can take prior to entering the water (time permitting), while landing in the water, and after entering the water.

Prior to entering the water: If possible, continue to steer to avoid the water hazard. Time permitting, loosen the chest strap to facilitate getting out of the harness once you’re in the water. If applicable, open your helmet’s face shield, activate your flotation device and disconnect your RSL to reduce complications in case you need to cut away after splashing down.

While landing in the water: Flare to half brakes at 10 feet above the surface, understanding that poor depth perception over water may make this difficult to judge. Prepare for a PLF in case the water is shallow. Take a deep breath a few seconds before entry so that you enter the water with your lungs filled with air. Remain in the harness and attached to the canopy until you are actually in the water. Once you are, cut away the main canopy, throw your arms back and swim forward out of the harness.

After landing in the water: In the absence of flotation gear, separating from your equipment is essential. The container can serve as a flotation device if the reserve canopy is packed in the container. Use caution to avoid the main canopy suspension lines if using the reserve container for flotation. Tests have shown that a container with a packed reserve will remain buoyant for up to 45 minutes or longer. If time permits, use your jumpsuit or clothing to make a temporary floatation device by tying knots at the end of the openings and scooping air into it.

If the collapsed canopy covers you, dive deep and swim out from under it. Follow one seam to the edge of the canopy until clear. If under the main canopy in swift or shallow water, pull one toggle in or cut away. Refill your lungs at every opportunity. Swim upwind or upstream and use care to avoid entangling in the suspension lines. Remove any full-coverage helmets in the event of breathing difficulties. Do not attempt to recover your gear.

Air Force-type (LPU) underarm flotation equipment have bladders that inflate outside the harness although they are worn underneath. Consequently, you must first deflate the bladders before removing the harness and then reinflate them orally one at a time.

Wearing weights to increase your fall rate or using additional equipment such as wingsuits, cameras or skysurfing gear increases your risk during a water landing, and you need to plan your procedures accordingly.

Water temperature below 70 degrees Fahrenheit severely limits the amount of time a person can survive while trying to tread water or remain afloat. Treading water or swimming causes the body to lose heat rapidly, because blood moves to the extremities where it cools quickly. Depending on the situation, it may be better to float than swim or tread water while waiting for help to arrive.

You can find more details on water landings in SIM Chapter 2-1, USPA Basic Safety Requirements on water jumping equipment, and SIM Chapter 5-5, Water Landing Recommendations (unintentional and intentional).

Power Lines

Power lines present a serious hazard to all aviators; know where they are near your DZ. To prevent landing in power lines, identify where they are in the landing area as early as possible and steer to avoid them. If you need to make a low turn to avoid a power line, make the minimum, flat, braked turn necessary to miss it, execute a braked landing, flare, and PLF.

If you cannot avoid a power-line landing, drop handles or other objects, bring the canopy to slow flight, prepare for a PLF with your feet and knees tightly together, and turn your head to the side to protect your chin. Land parallel to the power lines so that you do not touch more than one wire at a time.

If suspended in the wires, do not let anyone touch you. Wait for help from the drop zone and power company personnel. Nylon conducts electricity at higher voltages. Verify only with the power company that electrical power is off and will stay off. If the computer controlling the power distribution senses a fault in the line, computer-controlled resets may attempt to turn the power back on without warning.

If your feet are on the ground, disconnect the RSL and cut away, leaving your main behind.


Prevent landing in trees by spotting carefully and making a good approach-pattern plan for the conditions. The dangers of landing in a tree extend until you are rescued and safely on the ground. A low-altitude diving turn from full flight is just as dangerous as a tree landing. Make any low-altitude avoidance turns from braked flight.

If you can’t avoid landing in a tree under a ram-air canopy, hold the toggles at half brakes until tree contact. Prepare for a PLF; often the jumper passes through the tree and lands on the ground. Protect your body by keeping your feet and knees tightly together, but do not cross your feet or legs. Cover your face with your hands while holding your elbows tightly against your chest. Different trees require different procedures, so, consult with your local S&TA for a briefing appropriate for your drop zone. If the trees are very tall, steer to the middle of the tree, then hold on to the trunk or main branch to avoid falling through to the ground.

If suspended above the ground, wait for help from drop zone personnel to get down. Don’t attempt to climb down from a tree without competent assistance, such as rescue personnel or properly trained drop zone staff.

Buildings and Other Objects

To prevent landing on or into buildings or other objects, plan your landing approach to be well clear of them. Focus on clear, open landing areas and steer there. Use braked turns to maintain a level wing when turning at a low altitude to avoid obstacles.

If you can’t avoid landing on a building or object, prepare for a PLF and flare 10 feet above the first point of contact to slow your forward speed. After landing on top of an object in windy conditions, disconnect the RSL if possible, and cut away. If landing under your reserve, retrieve and contain the canopy until removing the harness, and wait for competent help.

When approaching the side of a building, perform a flat turn to avoid hitting it head-on. If a collision is unavoidable, prepare to PLF, flare to slow down, and attempt to strike a glancing blow. Change the canopy’s direction to avoid a direct impact.

Landing Out

Jumpers prefer to land in the planned area, which is usually familiar and free of obstacles. However, circumstances such as a spotting error, unexpected wind conditions, inadvertent high opening in strong upper winds, and low opening (especially under a reserve canopy) may make that difficult or impossible.

Students and experienced jumpers have been injured or killed due to problems resulting from less-than-ideal opening positions over the ground, including:

  • intentional low turn into an unfamiliar landing area
  • unplanned low turn to avoid obstacles
  • landing into or on an obstacle or uneven terrain
  • errors made after trying to return to the planned landing area or returning lower than planned, when a better choice was available

Avoid landing out by knowing the correct exit point for the current conditions. Once at the door of the aircraft, check the spot before exiting and request a go-around if necessary. In freefall, check the spot soon after exiting and adjust opening altitude if necessary and safe to do so, considering other groups or individuals in freefall nearby or jumpers from other planes in multiple-plane operations.

If you cannot avoid landing out, decide on a viable alternate landing area by 2,000 feet, based on your current location, the wind speed, and wind direction. Plan a descent strategy and landing pattern for the alternate landing area. Check the alternate landing area carefully for hazards while still high enough to adjust the landing pattern to avoid them. For example, when checking for power lines, it is easier to see the poles and towers than the wires themselves. Determine the wind direction to predict turbulence created by trees or other obstacles and plan a landing spot accordingly. It may be difficult to see hills from higher altitudes. It can also be difficult to see fences, but man-made obstacles often run in straight lines along the ground.

Flying a braked approach or making a braked turn allows a slower forward speed and descent rate but may lengthen the approach glide. You may need to use an altitude-conserving braked turn to avoid an obstacle. A low-altitude braked turn may not allow recovery to full flight in time for a landing flare, so you may need to flare from a braked position to avoid a flight cycle. You should frequently practice the CEP drills of braked turns and approaches to prepare.

Choose a landing area that gives the longest runway for landing and follow the landing priorities. Landing into the wind is desirable, but not at the risk of a low turn. A PLF is especially important during off-field landings, as the terrain may be uneven.

Respect property when landing off the drop zone. Do not disturb livestock. Leave gates as you found them. Avoid walking on crops or other cultivated vegetation. Report any property damage to the property owner and make arrangements for repairs. Remember, USPA membership includes insurance for such situations.

4-2: Currency Training copy link

Currency training and jumps should include confirmation of knowledge and ability for a stable exit and body position, altitude awareness, stable deployment, tracking proficiency, canopy-flight planning and CEPs, execution of the pattern, flare technique, and emergency procedures. Great care is necessary when choosing canopy size. Depending on the length of the layoff, returning jumpers may require a larger, more conservative canopy than they were previously jumping until the jumper demonstrates proficiency in their canopy skills.

A. Students

Students who have not jumped within the preceding 30 days should make at least one jump under the direct supervision of an appropriately rated USPA Instructor.

B. Licensed Skydivers

Skydivers returning after a long period of inactivity encounter greater risk that requires special consideration. Take care to regain or develop the knowledge, skills, and awareness needed to satisfactorily perform the tasks planned for the jump. Jumps aimed at sharpening survival skills should precede jumps with other goals.

C. Changes in Procedures

Any time you change deployment or emergency procedures, you should train and practice under supervision in a harness simulator until proficient. Follow up ground training with a solo jump that includes several practice sequences and deploy at a higher-than-normal altitude. Repeat ground practice at short intervals, such as before each weekend’s jump activities, and continue to deploy at a higher-than-normal altitude until thoroughly familiar with the new procedures.

D. Long Layoffs

Jumpers should receive refresher training appropriate for their skydiving history and time since their last skydive. Jumpers who were very experienced and current but became inactive for a year or more should undergo thorough training upon returning to the sport. Skydivers who historically jump infrequently should review training after layoffs of even less than a year.

Skydiving equipment, techniques, and procedures change frequently. During currency training following long periods of inactivity, jumpers may encounter new and unfamiliar equipment and techniques. Procedures change to accommodate developments in equipment, aircraft, flying styles, FAA rules, and local drop zone requirements.

Returning skydivers require thorough practical training in the following areas:

  • aircraft procedures
  • equipment
  • exit and freefall procedures
  • canopy control and landings
  • emergency procedures for aircraft, freefall, deployment, canopy-flight, and landing, as described in Chapter 4-1

A License

USPA A-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding 60 days should make at least one jump under the supervision of a currently rated USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating altitude awareness, freefall control on all axes, tracking, and canopy skills sufficient for safely jumping in groups.

B License

USPA B-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding 90 days should make at least one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating the ability to safely exercise the privileges of that license.

C and D License

USPA C- and D-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding 180 days should make at least one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating the ability to safely exercise the privileges of the license.

4-3: Equipment copy link

A. Federal Regulations on Equipment

The Federal Aviation Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation, which publishes the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), regulates the design, maintenance, and alteration of parachute equipment.

All skydivers should be familiar with the following FARs and their applicability to skydiving (see Chapter 2-3 and 2-4 of this manual):

  • Part 65—Certification of Parachute Riggers
  • Part 91—General Flight Rules
  • Part 105—Parachute Operations
  • Advisory Circular 105-2—explains in detail various areas of parachute equipment, maintenance, and modifications.

The FAA grants approval of parachutes to manufacturers in the form of Technical Standard Orders (TSOs). TSO C-23 is issued to parachutes that comply with the current performance standards.

  • NAS 804 for TSO C-23b
  • AS-8015A for TSO C-23c
  • AS-8015B for TSO C-23d

These standards specify the tests that a parachute system and its component parts must pass to receive approval for civilian use. FAR Part 21 contains the procedures for obtaining TSO approval.

Only those with FAA approval may perform alterations to approved parachutes. Approval may be obtained by submitting a request and description of the alteration to the manufacturer or to an FAA Flight Standards District Office. An FAA master rigger and a manufacturer with an approved quality-assurance program are eligible to receive alteration approval. Alterations may not be performed without full documentation of FAA approval for the specific alteration.

B. Main Parachute

Jumpers should choose canopies that will provide an acceptable landing in a wide range of circumstances by considering several factors including canopy size, wing loading, planform (shape), skill level, and experience. Owners should verify with a rigger that their gear complies with all applicable updates and bulletins.

Jumpers should observe the canopy manufacturer’s recommendations for the correct canopy size, which usually includes maximum recommended weight with respect to the jumper’s experience, drop zone elevation, and conditions such as density altitude.

Wing loading, measured as exit weight in pounds per square foot of canopy size provides only one gauge of a canopy’s performance characteristics. A smaller canopy loaded equally to a larger one of the same design will exhibit a faster and more radical control response, with more altitude loss in any maneuver. Design, materials, and construction techniques can cause two equally loaded canopies to perform very differently. Different planforms (square vs. elliptical) exhibit very different handling characteristics.

The Minimum Canopy-Size Recommendations chart provides the minimum recommended canopy size by taking exit weight and the number of solo-equipment jumps made with square parachutes into account. A student’s canopy size is at the discretion of the instructor. Due to the varied sizes of canopies from different manufacturers, any canopy less than 3% smaller than the listed recommendation is acceptable. Canopy choices for jumpers who have made more than 1,000 jumps is at their own discretion. These minimum-canopy-size recommendations may be too aggressive for some jumpers and, in other cases, too conservative. Instructors, canopy coaches and drop zone leadership should assist skydivers in selecting a canopy appropriate for their ability and progression. The USPA Downsizing Best Practices Card, available at uspa.org/downsize, is a valuable self-assessment tool.

Minimum-Canopy-Size Recommendations

C. Reserve Parachute

All skydivers should use a steerable reserve canopy. The FAA requires that the reserve parachute assembly—including harness, container, canopy, risers, pilot chute, deployment device, and ripcord—are approved.

Jumpers must observe FARs regarding the manufacturer’s maximum certificated weights and speeds for parachutes. Parachutes approved under FAA Technical Standard Order C-23b, C-23c, and C-23d are subject to different testing standards and operation limits. The entire parachute system is limited to the maximum certificated load limit of the harness-and-container system or reserve canopy, whichever is less. Load limits are found in the owner’s manual, the manufacturer’s website, or placarded on the parachute component itself.

For a ram-air reserve, jumpers should not exceed the maximum suspended weight specified by the manufacturer (not necessarily the maximum certificated load limit). A jumper may exceed the rated speeds of a certificated parachute system (harness and/or parachute) by jumping at higher MSL altitudes or falling in vertical freefall orientations.

A round reserve canopy should be equipped with a deployment device to reduce the opening force and control deployment, should have a rate of descent that does not exceed 18 feet per second (fps), and must not exceed a rate of descent of 25 fps at sea level conditions (NAS 804). The following scale indicates the minimum size round reserve canopy recommended for use according to the exit weight of the skydiver:

Total Suspended Weight* Recommended Equivalent Descent Rate
(high-porosity flat circular)
Up to 149 pounds24-foot
150 to 199 pounds26-foot
200 pounds and over28-foot

*The use of lower-porosity materials can reduce the rate of descent.

D. Harness-and-Container System

The FAA requires the harness of a dual parachute assembly to be approved. All harness ends should be folded over and sewn down or wrapped and sewn down to prevent the harness from unthreading through the hardware during parachute deployment.

Canopy-release systems should be maintained according to the schedule and procedures in the owner’s manual. The location of operational handles should align with the manufacturing industry’s standardized locations. The harness should be equipped with single-point riser releases (one handle releases both risers) for easy and rapid disengagement from the main canopy.

Loop-type reserve handles should be made of metal. Plastic and composite reserve handles are not recommended. Jumpers should practice peeling and pulling pillow-type reserve handles until certain they can operate them easily in an emergency.

All ripcord-housing ends should be secured. Ripcord pins, when seated, should either be started inside the housing or clear the closing loop before entering the housing. A ripcord-cable stop should not be used; fatal accidents caused by reserve entanglements with ripcords secured in this manner have been documented.

The reserve system is usually designed to use a specific type of pilot chute. The reserve pilot chute should be properly seated in the container and repacked if it has shifted.

Deployment brake systems should provide secure stowage of the steering toggles and slack brake line to prevent brake-line entanglements and premature brake release.

E. Main Pilot Chute

The main pilot chute is part of the main parachute system. Pilot chute size can affect the opening characteristics of the main canopy.

Spring-loaded and hand-deployed pilot chutes of both types (throw-out and pull-out) each have strengths and weaknesses that affect the user’s emergency procedures and other decisions.

On throw-out hand-deployed systems, the pilot chute and pouch size must be compatible. Collapsible pilot chutes add complexity and have more required maintenance since forgetting to set or cock the pilot chute can cause a high-speed pilot-chute-in-tow malfunction, and the moving parts create additional wear to the system.

F. Reserve Static Line (RSL) and Main-Assisted-Reserve-Deployment (MARD) Device

With very few exceptions, USPA recommends that jumpers use a reserve static line (RSL), a backup device that automatically initiates reserve deployment when a jumper cuts away. Preferably, the RSL is equipped with a main-assisted-reserve-deployment device (MARD). RSL use is mandatory for students. Though RSLs (with or without MARDs) are proven lifesavers, jumpers should never rely on them to initiate reserve deployment and must manually pull the reserve ripcord immediately after a cutaway.

On an RSL-equipped rig, one end of the RSL lanyard attaches to a main riser, and then the lanyard runs to the reserve ripcord cable, where the other end attaches. When the main risers depart following a cutaway, the RSL lanyard pulls the reserve pin and releases the reserve pilot chute, which deploys the reserve parachute. When the RSL includes a MARD device, the RSL lanyard hooks to the reserve-pilot-chute bridle, which allows the departing main parachute to assist in extracting the reserve, speeding up its deployment. RSLs help to both ensure and speed up reserve deployment when fractions of a second matter; MARDS speed up the deployment even further.

RSL compared to MARD

RSL vs. MARD-Equipped-RSL Reserve Activation: Reserve activated via a traditional RSL (left) and a MARD-equipped RSL (right). Photo by Niklas Daniel of AXIS Flight School.

An RSL, with or without a MARD, may also incorporate a Collins lanyard. This lanyard attaches to the reserve static line and is designed to release the non-RSL-side riser in the event the RSL-side riser breaks or disconnects prematurely. Consult a rigger for more information.

USPA recommends an RSL, preferably with a MARD, for all experienced jumpers with the possible exception of those attempting linked canopy formations. If temporarily disconnecting an RSL, take care to ensure it doesn’t interfere with the operation of the parachute system; consult a rigger.

When misrouted or attached incorrectly, these safety devices may not function and can even complicate or prevent a cutaway. Unless the manufacturer’s instructions state otherwise, do not use a connector device between the left and right main risers.

G. Automatic Activation Device (AAD)

USPA encourages all licensed skydivers to use an AAD—a device that initiates reserve deployment when the jumper reaches a preset altitude and descent rate—and requires its use for student skydivers. An AAD is only a backup device, and no jumper should rely on it to deploy a parachute. Those who use one and are educated on its function are significantly more likely to survive loss of altitude awareness or consciousness during a skydive.

The FAA requires those who use an AAD to maintain it in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (FAR 105.43.c). Each jumper should read and understand the owner’s manual for the AAD.

An AAD may complicate certain situations, particularly if the jumper deploys the main parachute low enough for the AAD to activate. Understanding and reviewing the emergency procedures for two canopies out (SIM Chapter 4-1) is essential.

Note: AADs may also be used with main parachutes, but this occurs only in specialized circumstances.

H. Static Line (Main)

The FAA requires static-line deployment to be either by direct bag or pilot-chute assist. The direct-bag method reduces the chance of the student interfering with main-canopy deployment. The pilot-chute-assist method must use an assist device  according to FAR 105.47. The assist device must attach at one end to the static line so that the container opens before the device is loaded, and at the other end to the pilot chute. The FAA requires the pilot-chute-assist device to have a load strength of at least 28 but not more than 160 pounds.

The static line should attach to an approved structural point of the airframe. A seatbelt attachment point is considered part of the airframe, but the static line should pull on it in a longitudinal direction. Aircraft seats are not considered part of the airframe.

Static-line construction should include:

  • a length of at least 8 feet but not more than 15 feet and should never come into contact with the aircraft’s tail surfaces
  • a locking slide fastener, ID number 43A9502 or MS70120
  • webbing of not less than 3,600 pounds tensile strength

I. Borrowing or Changing Equipment

No one should rent or loan a parachute to persons unqualified to carry out an intended skydive or of unknown ability. The use of unfamiliar (borrowed or new) equipment without sufficient preparation has been a factor in many fatalities. Whenever possible, avoid or minimize changes in equipment type during student training or when borrowing equipment. Any jumper who makes equipment changes should receive adequate transition training.

When jumping a new or different main parachute, a jumper should follow the recommendations in Chapter 5-9C: Downsizing Progression.

J. Use of Altimeters

Skydivers must always know their altitude and may choose to use a combination of altimeter types to maintain altitude awareness during all phases of a skydive. Common altimeter types include digital and analog altimeters that can be worn on the wrist or chest strap, as well as audible altimeters worn in or on a helmet.

Altimeter Errors

All altimeters use electronic and/or mechanical components that are subject to damage and may fail in use. You can expect minor differences in indicated altitude, so turn on or zero the altimeter at the landing area and do not re-adjust the altimeter after leaving the ground. Altimeters may lag during both ascent and descent; expect inaccuracies of up to 500 feet, plus or minus. The needle of an analog altimeter can also stick during both ascent and descent.

When an altimeter is in a burble (as when the jumper is falling back-to-earth), it may read inaccurately. To prevent damage that can cause accuracy errors, handle altimeters with care and maintain and store them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

K. Accessories

Weather, drop zone conditions, the proficiency of the skydiver, and the skydiver’s experience with the type of jump they will be performing should determine the use of personal equipment. Jumpers should wear adequate protective clothing, including jumpsuit, helmet, gloves, goggles, and footwear for all jumps, with the possible exception of intentional water landings. Gloves are essential when the jump-altitude temperature is lower than 40° F.

A jumper should carry a protected but accessible knife. All skydivers using solo equipment should wear a lightweight, rigid helmet that does not restrict vision or hearing. All jumpers should wear flotation gear when the intended exit, opening, or landing point of a skydive is within one mile of an open body of water (defined as one in which a skydiver could drown).

L. Main Parachute Packing

The main parachute of a dual assembly may be packed by—

  1. an FAA rigger
    1. An FAA rigger may supervise other persons in packing any type of parachute for which that person is rated (FAR 65.125.a and b).
    2. A non-certificated person may pack a main parachute under the direct supervision of an FAA rigger (FAR 105.43.a).
  2. the person who intends to use it on the next jump (FAR 105.43.a)

Each individual skydiver should have the written approval of an S&TA, USPA Instructor or Examiner, or an FAA rigger to pack their own parachute. All parachute packers should know and understand the manufacturer’s instructions for packing, maintenance, and use.

Tandem main parachutes may be packed by (FAR 105.45.b.1)—

  1. an FAA rigger
  2. the parachutist in command making the next jump with that parachute
  3. a packer under the direct supervision of a rigger

Exercise extreme caution when using temporary packing pins.

M. Parachute Maintenance

The equipment owner should frequently inspect equipment for any damage and wear. A qualified person should promptly correct any questionable condition. The Equipment Section of Category G of the USPA Integrated Student Program details owner inspection of the parachute.

Maintenance and Repair of the Reserve

The FAA requires the entire reserve assembly to be maintained as an approved parachute. Only an FAA-certificated parachute rigger may do repairs to the reserve assembly.

Maintenance and Repair of the Main

An FAA-certificated rigger or the owner (if he or she has adequate knowledge and skill) may perform repairs to the main. The main parachute and its deployment bag and pilot chute need not be maintained as “approved.”

Major repairs and alterations may be performed only by or under the supervision of an FAA Master Rigger, the parachute manufacturer, or any other manufacturer the FAA considers competent.

4-4: Pre-Jump Safety Checks and Briefings copy link

A. Equipment Preparation

Preparing all skydiving equipment and procedures prior to each jump is critical to preventing accidents. This information is intended to provide instructional staff and other licensed jumpers with guidance in developing an appropriate personal checklist.

In some cases, others—the pilot, instructor, coach, rigger, ground crew chief, etc.— will have principal responsibility for these checks; however, no one should assume that others have carried out these responsibilities. Initially, the USPA Instructor performs these pre-jump safety checks and briefings for their students. As students progress, they should begin to learn to do them for themselves. Through leadership and attitude, instructional staff can foster a respect for safety that will serve the beginning skydiver well when they assume sole responsibility for their skydiving activities.

USPA highly recommends that every jumper, regardless of experience level, engage in a mutual gear check with another licensed jumper. This peer-review process serves as an essential safety verification step to identify and rectify any oversights or errors in equipment preparation. The practice of mutual gear checks cultivates a culture of collective responsibility and vigilance, enhancing safety standards in skydiving activities.

Progressing students and all experienced jumpers should review the items on these lists to familiarize themselves with the wide range of details. This section includes checklists for:

  • aircraft preflight
  • ground-crew briefing
  • pilot briefing
  • skydiver briefing
  • equipment check
  • before-takeoff check
  • takeoff
  • spotting
  • jump run
  • descent and landing in aircraft
  • post-jump debriefing
B. Briefings

Aircraft preflight (primarily the responsibility of the pilot, but the supervising instructional rating holder should check):

  • placards: in place (as required)
  • seats removed (as required)
  • door stop (under Cessna wing) removed
  • sharp objects taped
  • loose objects secured
  • steps and handholds secure, clean of oil
  • aircraft altimeter set
  • filing and activation of notice to airmen (NOTAM)
  • aircraft radio serviceable
  • static-line attachment secure
  • knife in place and accessible
  • remote spotting correction and communication signals operational (larger aircraft)
  • winds-aloft report or wind-drift indicators available
  • seat belts available and serviceable
  • passenger hand straps near door removed

A load organizer (a senior jumper or instructional rating holder) should coordinate to ensure that everyone is in agreement by conducting a ground crew briefing. This briefing should include communications procedures to meet BSR requirements for ground-to-air communication (smoke, panels, radio, etc.), jump order, distance/time between groups on exit, landing pattern priorities, and control of spectators and vehicles. For student operations, the briefer should be a USPA Instructor and discussion should include:

  • wind limitations
  • setting up and maintaining a clear target area
  • critiques of student landings
  • maintenance of master log
  • accident and first-aid procedures

The load organizer also coordinates with the pilot on jump-run altitudes and direction, communications (ground to air, jumpmaster to pilot, air traffic control), aircraft attitudes during corrections on jump run, and jump-run speed and cut. If applicable, the briefing should include locking the wheel brake (the parking brake is not to be used). In addition, the briefing should address the gross weight and center of gravity requirements and limitations, procedures for aircraft emergencies, and procedures for equipment emergencies in the aircraft.

The load organizer also briefs the skydivers, discussing items such as seat-belt-off altitude (1,500 feet AGL or designated by DZ policy); movement in the aircraft, especially during jump run; aircraft emergency procedures, including communication procedures; and parachute-equipment-emergency procedures.

A USPA instructor briefs students after reviewing the student log or record. The jump plan includes exit and freefall, including jump commands, emergency procedure training or review, canopy control and landing pattern, and drop zone appearance and hazards using an aerial photo or map. The discussion should also include conduct in the aircraft such as protection of operation handles and pins, movement, and mental preparation before the jump.

C. Equipment Checklist

Each individual skydiver should ensure that their own equipment is inspected four times prior to each jump:

  1. before putting it on
  2. immediately after putting it on
  3. prior to boarding
  4. prior to exit

Utilizing a gear-check routine that you perform in the same order each time is both efficient and helps prevent inadvertently missing an item. The following list of items, used in any logical order, is an example of a pre-flight checklist:

  • helmet: proper fit and the chin strap threaded correctly
  • goggles or glasses: secure and clean
  • three-ring release system: properly assembled and periodic maintenance performed
  • reserve static line (RSL): hooked up and routed correctly (refer to manufacturer’s instructions)
  • altimeters: checked and set; visual altimeters do not block operation handles
  • main parachute:
    • main canopy properly sized
    • container properly closed, pull-up cord removed, and closing loop in good condition
    • pilot chute: secure in the pouch, bridle routed correctly and secure, pin secure on the bridle and seated in the closing loop, and slack above the pin (if applicable); if using a pull-out pilot chute (not approved for student use): handle secure, pin seated, free movement of the handle through pin extraction (see manufacturer’s instructions)
    • practice-main-deployment-handle secure (student)
  • harness:
    • straps routed correctly and not twisted
      1. chest strap
      2. leg straps
      3. belly band, if applicable
    • snaps secured and closed and/or friction adapters properly threaded
    • adjusted for proper fit
    • running ends turned back and sewn
    • loose ends tucked into keepers
  • belly band (if used):
    • correctly routed
    • adjusted
    • friction adapter properly threaded
  • reserve:
    • proper size for jumper
    • pin condition: seated, not bent, and closing loop(s) in good condition
    • pilot chute seated
    • packing data card in date and seal in place
    • reserve-handle pocket condition
    • pin-cover flap closed
    • overall appearance
  • risers: not twisted and toggles secure
  • suspension and control lines: not exposed
  • personal accessories:
    • footwear: proper type and fit, no open hooks or buckles
    • protective clothing
      1. jumpsuit pockets closed
      2. other outerwear compatible with jumping
      3. gloves as needed
    • empty pockets
    • earplugs (if desired)
  • automatic activation device (AAD):
    • serviced according to manufacturer’s schedule
    • in the correct mode for the jump (changeable-mode AADs)
    • proper routing of cable(s)
    • control unit secured in proper location
    • turned on and calibrated (offset for altitude if needed)
  • condition of all touch fastener (aka Velcro) and tuck tabs
  • overall fit and appearance

4-5: Weather copy link

A. Determining Winds

According to the BSRs, jumpers must determine the appropriate altitude and surface winds prior to conducting any skydive. You should measure surface winds at the actual landing area. Winds-aloft reports from the FAA flight service are only forecasts. You can make observations while in flight using navigation systems such as global positioning satellite systems (GPS). Winds can change at any time, so the jumper should check all available information before and during the jump.

B. Hazardous Weather

Fronts approach with much warning but can catch the unaware off guard. A gust front (a line of sudden and severe weather) precedes some fronts. Rapid and significant changes in the strength and direction of the winds aloft and on the surface may accompany frontal approach and passage.

Gusty winds, thermals, abrupt changes in temperature, and even terrain can create turbulence in canopy flight at all altitudes, including near the ground. Turbulent or gusty winds on landing can also initiate a flight cycle, causing your parachute to dive toward the ground. Canopies with lighter wing loadings are less predictable in turbulence. When flying in turbulence regardless of your altitude, maintain the desired heading using smooth but effective toggle input. Fly in full flight unless directed otherwise in the canopy owner’s manual. If turbulence exists near the ground, prepare for a quick and forceful flare and a PLF.

On calm, hot, humid days, thunderstorms can spontaneously generate and move in unpredictable patterns.

Dust devils are strong, well-formed, and relatively short-lived whirlwinds (mini-tornadoes). They usually form on days with significant thermal activity, (i.e., hot days with clear skies and strong sunshine). Dust devils may or may not be visible when they form. You should avoid flying in or near dust devils as they may cause sudden and unpredictable changes in your altitude and direction of flight and may even cause your canopy to collapse. If you do encounter a dust devil while in flight, continue to actively pilot your canopy toward a safe landing area and be prepared to PLF.

Cold weather can also be hazardous. Having cold hands or wearing gloves can change how the pilot chute and emergency handles feel, and Velcro becomes much stiffer during cold temperatures. This may make operating the handles more difficult.

Weather websites, weather apps, TV forecasts, continuous observation by you and your pilot (who is legally responsible to know the weather conditions before flight) can provide practical information.

C. Density Altitude

Parachute performance is measured at sea level in moderate temperatures and humidity. Altitude, heat, and humidity influence the density of air. Density altitude is a measure of air density that is calculated according to the temperature and altitude.

As density altitude increases, airspeed increases by almost 5% per 3,000 feet up to 12,000 feet MSL, and more than 5% per 3,000 feet above 12,000 feet MSL. As density altitude increases, a ram-air canopy pilot can expect the following:

  • a higher stall speed
  • a faster forward speed
  • a faster descent rate
  • higher opening forces

Additionally, higher density altitude affects aircraft in the following ways:

  • longer distances required for takeoff and landing
  • reduced propeller effectiveness
  • poorer turbine and piston-engine performance
  • slower and flatter rate of climb
  • less useful load given the aircraft’s maximum allowable gross weight

The pilot is responsible for knowing the density altitude prior to takeoff, and skydivers should consider the effects of density altitude on canopy performance.

4-6: Aircraft copy link

Skydivers play a more integral role in aircraft operations than ordinary passengers, because their procedures can dramatically affect the controllability of the aircraft, particularly during exit.

Parasitic drag reduces airspeed necessary for flight and reduces the effectiveness of control surfaces. Excess weight in the rear of the aircraft can cause the pilot to lose control of the aircraft and cause it to stall. A jump pilot should brief all jumpers on the topics outlined in Aircraft Briefing from Category E of the USPA Integrated Student Program. The smallest aircraft used for student jumping should be able to carry the pilot and at least three jumpers.

Those planning to open their parachute above the normal opening altitude (generally 5,000 feet AGL and lower) should inform the pilot and all jumpers on board, as well as any other jump in flight at the time.

Aircraft fueling operations should occur away from skydiver landing and loading areas, and no person, except the pilot and necessary fueling crew, should be aboard the aircraft during fueling. USPA accepts the practice of rapid refueling (fueling an aircraft while an engine is running) for certain turbine-powered aircraft when performed in accordance with the guidelines of Parachute Industry Association Technical Standard TS-122. Piston-powered aircraft should never be rapid-refueled.

Students should never approach an aircraft, whether the engine is running or not, unless they are under the direct supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder. Everyone should always approach a fixed-wing aircraft from behind the wing and always approach a helicopter from the front or the side, only after making eye contact with the pilot. Everyone should always protect their handles while entering the aircraft and follow procedures to avoid the accidental activation of any equipment.

On the ride to altitude, everyone on board the aircraft is subject to the seating requirements found in FAR 91.107 and the parachute requirements found in FAR 91.307. Everyone should have a thorough understanding and be prepared to take the appropriate actions in the event of an accidental activation of parachute equipment in the aircraft. Seatbelts should remain fastened and all hard helmets and other potential projectiles secured until the pilot notifies the jumpers that they may unfasten them. Students should sit still and move only when their instructor(s) or coach specifically directs them to do so. Jumpers should determine seating arrangements—which will vary according to the particular aircraft and the size and type of the load—in advance.

Failure to maintain proper weight and balance throughout the flight may result in loss of control of the aircraft. This means the load must be properly distributed in the aircraft to maintain balance in relation to the center of gravity, which is necessary for the aircraft to fly safely. The jumpers must cooperate fully with the pilot to keep the aircraft within its safe performance envelope throughout the entire flight. The aircraft must not carry more weight than the maximum allowed in the manufacturer’s operating manual.

Seatbelts/restraints should be stowed out of the way but never fastened together unless being worn. All pilots and other occupants of a jump aircraft must wear parachutes when required by the FAA.

4-7: Spotting copy link

A. Why Spotting is Important

Choosing the correct exit point and guiding the pilot to it (spotting) helps fulfill each skydiver’s responsibility to land in an appropriate clear area. Jumpers must demonstrate basic spotting abilities prior to obtaining the USPA A license. Spotting in more difficult circumstances requires continued practice and study. In addition to considerations for getting one jumper or group out of the aircraft at the correct point, spotters must consider the correct exit points for multiple individuals or groups on the same pass from a larger aircraft.

B. Priorities

Be familiar with the DZ and surrounding area, including exit and opening points. Jumpers should observe and talk to those on previous jumps to help determine the correct jump-run direction and exit and opening point. The Standard Operating Procedure sections of Categories D, E, and F of the Integrated Student Program explain the methods for estimating the exit and opening point based on winds-aloft forecasts.

Calculation of the spot using the winds-aloft report has replaced the use of wind-drift indicators (WDI) for most routine drop zone operations. However, use of WDIs can also be effective for determining drift under canopy. Jumpers aboard the aircraft observe the drift of a piece of weighted crepe paper released at canopy opening altitude over an observed position (or at half of the opening altitude with ground travel doubled for the jump) to determine the distance and direction of the best opening point upwind of the target. Jumpers are responsible for wind drift indicators after they land.

To spot, look out the open door of the aircraft for traffic and clouds below, and identify the DZ, the climb-out point, and the exit point. Category D of the ISP discusses techniques for determining the point straight below the aircraft.

Jumpers can use the mnemonic SPACE to quickly remember the items they need to check while spotting:

  • Skydivers
  • Planes
  • Airport
  • Clouds
  • Exit light

Make sure you have enough separation between the skydivers in front of you and your group. According to FAR 105.5, the jumper and the pilot are jointly responsible for making sure plane traffic is clear before jumping. You should be at a distance and direction from the airport that allows you to make it back to the drop zone given the winds for that day. According to FAR 105.17, the jumper and pilot are jointly responsible for staying the appropriate distance clear of clouds. The pilot communicates the final OK for exit either with a light system or verbally.

C. Exit Separation on Jump Run

Slower-falling jumpers and groups have a longer exposure to upper headwinds, which blow them farther downwind than faster-falling jumpers and groups. Slower-falling groups should exit before faster-falling groups when jump run is into the wind.

On days with strong upper headwinds, allow more time between groups on the same pass to get sufficient horizontal separation over the ground. Provide at least 1,000 feet of ground separation between individuals jumping solo. Provide at least 1,500 feet of ground separation between small groups, adding more as the size of the groups increase.

Once your parachute opens, delay flying up or down the line of flight until any jumpers in a slower-falling group that exited before you have opened their parachutes and turned toward the landing area, and members of the group exiting after have completed their freefall and opened.

Flying jump run across the upper winds (crosswind) helps achieve separation between groups. Whether flying one or more aircraft, each pass should allow enough time for jumpers on a previous pass to descend to a safe altitude before dropping jumpers from the next pass.

D. Exit and Flight-Plan Considerations for Different Disciplines

Larger jump aircraft may include several different groups of skydivers performing different disciplines, some of which use more airspace than others. The following exit order is a general guide, but drop zones may adjust the order based on local considerations such as prevailing upper winds, the terrain, other disciplines on the load, weather conditions, and skill level of jumpers or group leaders.

  1. Movement group 1 (angle, tracking, etc.)
  2. Formation skydivers falling in a belly-to-earth orientation (largest to smallest)
  3. Freefly groups falling in head-down, standing or sitting positions (largest to smallest)
  4. Movement group 2 (angle, tracking, etc.)
  5. Freefall students with instructors
  6. Tandem students and instructors
  7. High-pulls
  8. Wingsuit flyers

Group Separation Exit Order

Some of these groups—formation skydivers, freeflyers, solo students and tandem students—tend to fall straight down after exit, drifting horizontally with the effects of wind but otherwise not moving much in the airspace. They gain adequate separation from one another by exiting in groups largest to smallest per discipline and waiting the appropriate length of time between groups before exiting the airplane.

Other groups—movement groups (angle, tracking, etc.), canopy formation jumpers, and wingsuit flyers—cover large horizontal distances that you must take into account when planning a descent strategy. These groups must fly a specific flight path that they plan before boarding the aircraft. The jumper leading this type of group must keep the group flying the planned path the entire freefall. This plan may include turning downwind after sufficient lateral distance and flying parallel to groups that exited earlier. The breakoff point must be far enough laterally to allow for the jumpers to gain horizontal separation from each other, as well as any of the groups that exited the airplane earlier.

Wingsuit flyers should exit last, as they typically follow the plane along jump run after exit, while high pullers tend to fly back through the jump-run path. There are possible exceptions to this generalization, such as a canopy formation team exiting with a major offset, e.g. greater than one mile past the last wingsuit flyer exiting. Airplane loads that include more than one wingsuit group add complexity to determining the airspace necessary to allow each group to open in a clear area.

Loads that include more than two movement groups require greater planning to determine exit order. Generally, no movement group should exit immediately after another. Immediately after exit, a movement group must fly perpendicular to jump run to provide lateral separation from the other groups that have exited or will exit the aircraft. After gaining sufficient lateral distance, the group may then turn downwind, flying parallel to groups that exited earlier. A second movement group on the same load should fly the opposite direction of the first, while still flying perpendicular to jump run, to allow for greater separation.

Depending on the situation, it may be safer to restrict each airplane load to no more than two movement groups and one wingsuit group.

4-8: Incident Reports copy link

A. Incidents

Reporting incidents helps USPA track current trends in the field and gives direction to USPA staff and board members addressing equipment issues, training methods, and safety procedures. It is particularly important to report any event that requires a jumper to receive medical attention or raises a safety concern, but jumpers should also report noteworthy malfunctions, unsafe procedures, unusual or ethically unacceptable skydives, or other extraordinary occurrences concerning skydiving operations. USPA rating holders and S&TAs, the leaders in the field, are the key to encouraging skydivers to file incident reports.

Incident reports are warranted for (but not limited to):

  • Fatalities
  • Injuries requiring medical attention (anything more than local first aid)
  • Any injury to a student (including tandem students)
  • Reserve deployments (intentional or unintentional)
  • AAD activations
  • Off-field landing or obstacle landings (buildings and other objects, water, power lines, trees)
  • Emergency exits from an aircraft
  • Freefall or canopy collisions
  • Premature deployments in aircraft or freefall
  • Harness or canopy damaged during jump
  • The unplanned dropping of equipment during jump
  • Anything filed on an insurance claim

B. Investigation and Reporting of Incidents

Fatalities and other significant incidents are an unfortunate part of skydiving. To help skydivers learn essential lessons from the mistakes of others and reduce the number and severity of incidents, USPA members should fill out an incident report when it meets any of the conditions in the list above. When appropriate, an S&TA can act as an impartial investigator. Jumpers should coordinate efforts through the local S&TA when an event requires several reports, witness accounts or personal observations of the investigator. Incidents can be reported online at uspa.org/ir.

USPA keeps reports confidential by following the procedures included in this section. The integrity and effectiveness of the reporting system rely on each USPA official following USPA's procedures precisely as outlined.

C. Submission and Disposal of Incident Reports

USPA follows strict operating procedures to maintain the confidentiality of reports and protect the integrity of the incident-reporting system. If possible, the reporting party should use the online submission form at uspa.org/ir, but may also print or type the report and send it to USPA Headquarters.

USPA maintains only the information that identifies trends for USPA and the skydiving industry. USPA removes dates, locations and names of involved parties and enters the remaining information into a database, then destroys the submitted reports.

USPA may publish a brief synopsis of the report in Parachutist, excluding the date, specific location and names of anyone involved.

D. The Incident Reporting Form

You can ensure that USPA receives the most accurate and useful data by providing detailed information in your incident report and by specifying the type of injury (if one) that occurred. Completing the narrative area, including all factors that led to the incident, helps USPA produce an accurate summary. If filing a report of a non-fatal incident that caused injury, include the prognosis for the jumper's recovery.

E. USPA Policy Regarding Privileged Information

The success of USPA's safety-reporting program depends upon the free exchange of information between field reporters and USPA Headquarters. If reporting officials believe that the information will be used only for statistical and educational purposes and that the reports themselves will not be released to third parties, the reporting system will continue to serve the best interests of the membership. If, on the other hand, this privileged information is released to third parties for whatever reason, USPA will lose the trust of the field reporters and, with it, valuable safety-generating data.

USPA’s policy includes:

  • Documents for use only by the reporting party and USPA officials as necessary to enhance safety through education and training.
  • All requests by third parties to access such information or documents will be referred to the USPA Executive Director, who, in consultation with the USPA President, will determine the need to refer to counsel.
  • Failure to adhere to these procedures will subject the violating USPA member to disciplinary action per Section 1-6 of the USPA Governance Manual.