5-5 Weather
A. Determining winds
Surface winds must be determined prior to jumping and should be measured at the actual landing area.
Winds aloft:
Winds aloft reports available from the FAA flight service are only forecasts.
Observations may be made while in flight using navigation systems, for example, global positioning satellite systems (GPS).
Winds can change at any time, so all available information should be checked by the jumper before and during the jump.
B. Hazardous weather
Fronts approach with much warning but can catch the unaware off guard.
Some fronts are preceded by a gust front (a line of sudden and severe weather).
Frontal approach and passage may be associated with rapid and significant changes in the strength and direction of the winds aloft and on the surface.
On calm, hot, humid days, thunderstorms can spontaneously generate and move in unpredictable patterns.
Dust devils are mini-tornados that spontaneously generate on days of high thermal convection activity.
Where to get practical information on approaching weather:
the Weather Channel
TV weathercasts
pilot assistance (legally responsible to know the weather conditions before flight)
continuous observation
C. Density altitude
Parachute performance is measured at sea level in moderate temperatures and humidity.
Altitude, heat, and humidity influence the density of air
Density altitude is a measure of air density that is calculated according to the temperature and altitude.
As density altitude increases, airspeed increases by:
almost five percent per 3,000 feet up to 12,000 feet MSL
more than five percent per 3,000 feet above 12,000 feet MSL
As density altitude increases, a ram-air canopy pilot can expect the following:
a higher stall speed
a faster forward speed
a faster descent rate
higher opening forces
Additionally, aircraft are affected by higher density altitude in the following ways:
longer distances required for takeoff and landing
reduced propeller effectiveness
poorer turbine and piston engine performance
slower and flatter rate of climb
less useful load
The aircraft pilot is responsible to know the density altitude prior to takeoff, and skydivers are advised to consider the effects of density altitude on canopy performance.