USPA Staff / Monday, July 15, 2024 / Categories: Industry News, Homepage USPA A Productive 2024 Summer Board of Directors Meeting The final meeting of the 2022-24 term of the USPA Board of Directors is a wrap! Your board members spent the past several days working diligently to discuss policies that would best serve USPA members. Here are some highlights from this weekend, broken down by committee: Safety and Training Reviewed and approved a reworked Skydiver’s Information Manual to be available in 2025, with focus on changing certain sections of SIM into a more readable, consolidated and educational format. Added language to the SIM to clarify that no more than four jumpers should participate in a student skydiver’s jump, with students not forming the majority of the group. Moved currency standards for tandem instructors to the Basic Safety Requirements. Changed language of tandem video flyer qualifications in the SIM to state “300 belly formation skydivers or 300 jumps and a coach rating.” Membership Services Awarded the USPA Lifetime Achievement Award to Arizona Airspeed and the USPA Gold Medal for Meritorious Service to Thomas Falzone, D-11477, Joe Jennings, D-13033 and Craig O’Brien, D-19294. Awarded the USPA Regional Achievement Award to Christopher Rea, D-16187 (Central), Matthew Yount, D-27920 (Central), Danny Smith, D-3506 (Mid-Atlantic) and Edward Ganley, D-9205 (Mideastern). Worked with USPA’s Information & Technology department on the process for members to auto-renew annual memberships, instructional and PRO ratings and donations, to be available by 2025. Competition Added “Second Category” events to National Judge renewal options to aid judges in keeping their ratings active. Amended the Skydiver’s Competition Manual to require regular (non-temporary) USPA membership in order to set individual state and national records, or to establish the majority requirement for team records. Approved changes to the mixed formation skydiving dive pool to reflect requests from the competition community, as well as adding language to competition documents to support the MFS intermediate-class test event. Discussed a discipline-specific performance award for Speed Skydiving as well as similar awards for other disciplines. This topic was tabled for a future board meeting. Governance Discussed a proposal to introduce a USPA Regional Director equivalent for international members, and planned to form a working group to explore this possibility. Revamped the 1-6 Compliance Action Section of the USPA Governance Manual to simplify and provide greater clarity. Full details of the Summer 2024 board meeting will be made available at in the coming month. Previous Article USPA Seeks Membership Services Coordinator Next Article Global Spotlight on Skydiving: The World Jumps in Tandem Print 2464