Updated Competition Manual and Beginner Test Event Rules Now Available
Thursday, March 11, 2021
At its winter 2021 meeting, the USPA Board of Directors adopted changes to the USPA Skydiver’s Competition Manual (SCM), the official rulebook for those who wish to compete in sanctioned events or set records. The board also approved a beginner 4-way formation skydiving test event, which debuts in October at the USPA Nationals at Skydive Arizona in Eloy. USPA is optimistic that the beginner class, which is designed to encourage novice competitors to try their hands at competition, will be both popular and successful. Prospective beginner competitors are encouraged to look over the SCM, as well as the test event rules, to prepare for Nationals.
The recently updated SCM—effective March 2021—is available at uspa.org/scm. The test event information is not included in the official SCM document but is available as a separate PDF here.
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