USPA Staff / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Categories: Industry News, Homepage USPA Global Spotlight on Skydiving: The World Jumps in Tandem On July 13, skydivers of all experience levels from 50 countries celebrated the inaugural World Skydiving Day. The U.S. Parachute Association (USPA), Australian Parachute Federation, British Skydiving and Canadian Sport Parachuting Association have proudly ratified the very first World Skydiving Day Record of 30,351 jumps made on this day worldwide. Thousands of these skydives were first-time jumpers who crossed skydiving off of their bucket lists while also becoming World Skydiving Day record holders. “Our first World Skydiving Day was a great success thanks to individuals from all walks of life coming together to make history,” USPA Executive Director Albert Berchtold said. “In today’s world, we can often seem so divided. Skydiving serves as a powerful reminder of our shared humanity. Our sport brings people together, transcends borders and differences and creates a sense of belonging and fun.” The event garnered widespread participation and enthusiasm, including from Skydive Dubai, New Zealand Parachute Industry Association and Parachute Association of South Africa. The global skydiving community looks forward to building on this achievement as World Skydiving Day will repeat each year on the second Saturday in July. Next year’s World Skydiving Day is Saturday, July 12, 2025. To join the excitement next year and break the world record, visit Participating drop zones: Angola Japan Argentina Kenya Australia Mexico Austria Namibia Belgium New Zealand Brazil Norway Bulgaria Panama Canada Peru China Philippines Colombia Poland Cyprus Portugal Czech Republic Puerto Rico Denmark Romania Egypt Russia El Salvador Scotland Estonia Singapore Finland Slovakia France South Africa Germany Spain Great Britain Sweden Guatemala Switzerland Hungary Thailand India Turkey Ireland United Arab Emirates Israel United States Italy Uruguay Previous Article A Productive 2024 Summer Board of Directors Meeting Next Article Thirty-Seven Members Run for USPA Board Print 12783 Tags: World RecordWorld Skydiving DayJuly 2024