Dillingham Airfield Gets Six-Month Extension
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Share the Air

USPA’s Be Aware Share the Air Campaign is an attempt to help all pilots identify and avoid active parachute locations. USPA Group Members will receive a copy of both posters with their 2024 Group Membership renewal packet. DZOs, Jumpers, and Pilots are encouraged to print off extra copies and place around their airport, local FBOs, or flights schools.

Be Aware Share the Air Flyer (PDF)
Be Aware Share the Air Flyer (Large 16x20 PDF)
Skydiver Hood Ornament (JPG)
Skydiver Hood Ornament (Large 16x20 PDF)

DZ Marketing Tools

Drop zones can get positive media coverage by inviting local news outlets to attend DZ events and by providing information about the sport and the drop zone. DZs can tailor these template materials with their own information.


    Aircraft Modifications

    Jump plane modifications that are not specifically described in the Aircraft Flight Manual must be accomplished by FAA issuance of either a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) or a Field Approval. For $100 ($200 for non-members), USPA sells STCs for jump conversions of original and early model Cessna 170, 172, 180, and 182 aircraft. These STCs accommodate the removal of the door, not an in-flight door. E-mail the Government Relations department at govrelations@uspa.org or call (540) 604-9740.

    USPA In Action

    Dillingham Airfield Gets Six-Month Extension

    Dillingham Airfield Gets Six-Month Extension

    Homepage USPA
    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    The Hawaii Department of Transportation gave businesses at Dillingham (Kawaihapai) Airfield—including two skydiving operations, Pacific Skydiving and Skydive Hawaii—a six-month extension on eviction as it continues long-term lease negotiations. Before the pandemic, the drop zones—Oahu’s only skydiving operations—were among the busiest tandem skydiving operations in the world. The businesses previously had until June 30 to vacate the airfield; the eviction date is now December 31, 2021.  

    This reprieve is temporary positive news for a variety of business owners, including the hundreds of employees and private-plane users at the airfield that pre-coronavirus pumped an estimated $12 million to $15 million annually into the state economy. The state said the airfield operated at a deficit of nearly $1 million in 2019, but tenants say that includes costs for an old water system that supplies the nearby Air Force satellite tracking station, among other users (no fees are collected for its use). The DOT—which has been in charge of the water system for 50-plus years—has been aware of the leak since 2002.  

    The Dillingham airfield working group, which includes representatives from Dillingham businesses, AOPA, USPA and the Federal Aviation Administration, is optimistic about the extension, as the Army has committed to the Joint Use Agreement and long-term lease process.  

    However, though a positive development, the short extension is a confusing message to tenants about everyone’s commitment to the airfield, especially since the DOT is not currently renting out empty hangars to new tenants on the waiting list to create more revenue. Some see suppressing revenue as a method to close the airfield.  

    Tom Sanders, a USPA and Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association member who currently owns Paradise Air Hawaii, a powered parachute flight school at Dillingham, told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser newspaper, “Obviously, it’s a move in the right direction. It’s just too bad that we keep on taking baby steps.” With a wave of tourists headed to Hawaii now that COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, Sanders says the airfield’s been busier than ever, even prompting a waiting list for customers.  

    USPA Director of Sport Promotion Shanon Searls says, “People are being driven out of the airfield by this looming closure date. The airfield is busier than ever, but how can they expand to accommodate demand if the only written instruction from DOT is movement toward closure?” Searls also explains that some tenants are currently being evicted due to financial hardship during COVID. “They have been unable to pay airport fees because state-ordered lockdown measures prevented them from doing business,” she said. 

    Airfield stakeholders have attended meetings on the issue every two weeks, and State Representative Lauren Matsumoto has been working diligently for the past year on continuing Dillingham Airfield civilian operations. The Army said it is working closely with the state and other agencies to identify the terms of a joint-use agreement and lease of 25 years. The Army executed 25-year leases in 1983 and 2009, but in 2012 it realized it did not have the authority to execute a lease beyond five years without approval from the secretary of the Army. This has resulted in a series of short-term leases, making the airport unable to receive federal grants to make improvements, including fixing the water-system leak.  

    The parties are currently working toward solutions regarding the water on the airfield. FAA Western-Pacific Region Manager Gordon Wong wrote, ““The FAA is committed to working with HDOTA to resolve this compliance issue. The FAA will not pursue placing HDOT in noncompliance with grant assurances on this specific issue so long as HDOTA is actively pursuing resolution to this situation, and there appears to be reasonable progress toward resolution. To be clear, the HDH water-system issue must be resolved on or before the end of the current lease with the U.S. Army.” The Dillingham working group is awaiting further definition on what those requirements are, as well answers to questions such as who will be responsible for the cost of fixing the leaking system.   

    Although the working parties are disappointed to see the closing date moved only six months to December 31, the extension is still a positive development and will provide more time to resolve the outstanding issues related to the lease. Stay tuned over the next six months for updates on this important issue.  


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    FAA Regulations and Guidance

    Review applicable regulations for conducting parachute operations, see historical and current FAA guidance and read about airport access. Also available are FAA Advisory Circulars “Recommended Standard Traffic Patterns and Practices for Aeronautical Operations at Airports without Operating Control Towers” and “Sport Parachuting,” along with the FAA regulatory requirements for ATC Notification and Authorization and FAA inspector guidance for DZs.

    DZO & Pilot Resources

    USPA Adopts Voluntary Safety Management System (SMS) for Group Members

    Monday, March 25, 2024

    SMS is a documented, structured, proactive approach to managing safety within an organization. USPA has produced a template based on ICAO and FAA guidelines that can be customized to meet each operation’s specific needs. An effective SMS program can benefit DZs by reduced risk, enhanced safety culture, improved compliance, operational efficiency and competitive advantage.

    The specific requirements of each parachute operation’s SMS will vary depending on the size of the organization; however, the four main components: safety policy, safety risk management, safety assurance, safety culture are essential.

    Within the framework of SMS, DZs can tailor the SMS framework to their specific needs, but every framework should include clear definitions of the responsibilities of the different individuals and teams. This helps everyone understand their roles and they are working together to prevent accidents and injuries.

    USPA provides support to guide DZs through the implementation process. Members are encouraged to contact USPA Director of Government Relations Michael Knight for assistance implementing SMS at their location.

    USPA SMS Template

    USPA and NTSB Educational Links

    Friday, January 28, 2022

    As a potential aviation safety improvement, USPA and the NTSB have collaborated to provide the educational links below to help jump pilots and operators improve the safety of jump flights.

    1. FAA Safety – Flying for Jump Operations
    2. Back to Basics Flying for Skydiving Operations – YouTube
    3. NTSB Safety Alert on Carburetor Icing

    NTSB Recommendations: Enhance Safety of Revenue Passenger-Carrying Operations Conducted Under Title 14

    Monday, September 27, 2021

    This is a synopsis from the NTSB’s report and does not include the Board’s rationale for the conclusions, probable cause, and safety recommendations. NTSB staff is currently making final revisions to the report from which the attached conclusions and safety recommendations have been extracted. The final report and pertinent safety recommendation letters will be distributed to recommendation recipients as soon as possible. The attached information is subject to further review and editing to reflect changes adopted during the Board meeting.

    Aircraft Control After Engine Failure on Takeoff

    Saturday, January 2, 2016

    Studies have shown that startle responses during unexpected situations such as power‐plant failure during takeoff or initial climb have contributed to loss of control of aircraft. By including an appropriate plan of action in a departure briefing for a power‐plant failure during takeoff or initial climb, you can manage your startle response and maintain aircraft control.

    USPA Aircraft Maintenance Guidance

    Wednesday, December 9, 2015

    USPA has developed a packet that has been mailed to all Group Member DZ operators that helps clarify the federal aviation regulations as they apply to operators of jump aircraft. The USPA Group Member pledge also includes new provisions clarifying FAA aircraft inspection requirements and jump pilot qualifications. Following are the packet contents:

    Cover Letter
    Maintenance Narrative and Sample
    Aircraft Status Form

    Aircraft Operations And Pilot Training

    Tuesday, December 8, 2015

    The USPA Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual was designed to provide DZOs and their pilots with a guide to procedures and practices that supplement FAA regulatory requirements. The newly revised 2011 USPA Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual is now available for download.

    The Jump Pilot Training Syllabus serves as an outline for topics that should be covered during initial and recurrent jump pilot training. Aircraft operators are encouraged to tailor this Word document to their needs. Sections may be added to address pilot training in specific skydiving aircraft. The syllabus was created by Chris Schindler, whose website DiverDriver, is “the jump pilot’s information resource.”

    The Flight Operations Handbook, originally by Ray Ferrell, is an in-depth template to be used to cover a variety of topics related to aircraft procedures and pilot training for skydiving operations. It includes sections on several popular skydiving aircraft, and pilot flight competency and proficiency checks. This Word document may also be edited to suit company needs.

    USPA Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual
    Jump Pilot Training Syllabus
    Flight Operations Handbook

    Formation Flying 101: A Guide For Jump Pilots

    Tuesday, December 9, 2014

    One word summarizes the basis for successfully flying aircraft formations: planning. Whether you’re flying two Cessna 182s or a 12-aircraft formation for a world record, the same rules apply.

    Planning. Planning. Planning.

    Orange Skies Reopens in Colorado

    Wednesday, April 24, 2019

    Orange Skies Free Fall Center launched its opening weekend at Fort Morgan Municipal Airport in Colorado April 20-21.


    USPA      5401 Southpoint Centre Blvd., Fredericksburg, VA, 22407     (540) 604-9740    M-F 9am-5pm Eastern    (540) 604-9741     uspa@uspa.org

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