USPA Staff / Tuesday, January 12, 2021 / Categories: News, Homepage USPA Members: Attend the January 29-31 Board Meeting Via Zoom USPA’s board of directors is holding its next meeting January 29-31 in Cincinnati, Ohio. We are excited to announce that we will broadcast it webinar-style via Zoom, as we did for our summer board meeting. Any member who is interested in attending should use the link below to pre-register. The site will ask you to log in to your USPA account for confirmation. Upon registration, you will receive two personalized links—one for each of two “rooms”—via email. This will allow you to attend any open meeting. Each registration (limited to one per member) and link allow one entry into the meeting. Those who are not USPA members may request an invitation through the form on the website. If you would like to see how the USPA Board works for you, now is your chance to tune in from the comfort of home! Visit to view the schedule of committee meetings, view agendas and register to attend. Previous Article USPA and Seed Filmworks Present "Save Our Sky" Next Article USPA Is Working for You Print 5584 Tags: Big OneJanuary 2021