United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Chapter 5 > Chapter 5-1

5-1: Formation Skydiving copy link

A. Introduction and Definition

Formation skydiving, traditionally called “relative work” or “group freefall,” is the intentional maneuvering of two or more skydivers in proximity to one another in freefall.

B. Training and Procedures

Before training for formation skydiving, each student should complete all the training and advancement criteria through Category F of the USPA Integrated Student Program.

Students should begin training for group freefall skills as soon as they complete Category F of the ISP. This encourages them to maintain their interest in skydiving, fosters relaxation in the air, develops coordination, establishes participation in group activities, and develops safe attitudes and procedures. Initial training should begin with no more than two jumpers—the trainee and a current USPA Coach or Instructor. Categories G and H of the ISP contain a recommended training outline for beginning group freefall skills.

C. Hazards Associated with Formation Skydiving

Mid-air collisions and funneled formations are not only undesirable but can be dangerous. Two bodies colliding in flight can cause severe injuries or death. The greatest danger exists when jumpers lose sight of each other and open their canopies independently, which may set the stage for a jumper in freefall to collide with an open canopy. Even after opening, if the jumpers do not follow proper safety procedures, they risk a canopy collision.

D. Breakoff Procedures

The minimum breakoff altitude for groups of five or fewer should be at least 1,500 feet higher than the highest planned deployment altitude in the group (not counting one camera flyer). For groups of six or more, minimum breakoff altitude should be at least 2,000 feet higher than the highest planned deployment altitude in the group.

Minimum breakoff altitude should be even higher than these recommendations for the following:

  • groups with one or more jumpers of low experience
  • jumpers with slower-opening or faster-flying canopies
  • jumpers engaging in freefall activities that involve a fall rate faster than belly-to-earth terminal velocity
  • jumps involving props, toys, or other special equipment, such as signs, banners, smoke, flags, hoops, tubes, items released in freefall, etc.
  • jumps taking place over an unfamiliar landing area or in case of an off-field landing
  • any other special consideration

At the breakoff signal or upon reaching the breakoff altitude, whichever comes first, each participant should turn 180 degrees from the center of the formation and flat track away to the planned deployment altitude. Jumpers can achieve a flat track by initiating with their legs, which will result in more horizontal separation than diving.

Before pulling, jumpers should perform a distinct wave-off to signal jumpers who may be above them. During the wave-off, look up, down, and to the sides to ensure that the area is clear. The low person has the right-of-way, both in freefall and under canopy.