Section 4: Integrated Student Program
Section Summary
Additional References
- Use the Skydive School First Jump Course as a visual supplement to the information presented in outline form here
Regardless of discipline, the USPA Integrated Student Program advances students through eight categories of proficiency (A-H) to qualify them for their USPA A license.
Each student completes a series of required skills and knowledge sets while making the prescribed training jumps in each category. At the end of each category, a student in any training discipline has achieved similar skills and knowledge. The number of jumps to complete each category depends on the training discipline and the student’s performance.
When a student completes the requirements for each category, the USPA Instructor records it on the student’s USPA A-License Proficiency Card and Application and administers an oral quiz. Especially in Categories A-D, the student should complete all the objectives of one category before making any jumps in the next.
An appropriately rated USPA Instructor must directly supervise each student jump until the student is cleared to self supervise during Category E. A USPA Coach may conduct freefall training and supervise jumps for those students in Categories E through H. A USPA Coach may also supervise static-line and IAD students following a successful clear-and-pull in Category C. Until the USPA A license, all student training remains the responsibility of the USPA Instructor.
Once meeting all the requirements listed on the USPA A-License Application, the student will make a check jump with a USPA Instructor to be issued the USPA A license. The check jump consists of an overall review of the training and includes a final quiz with questions taken from the quizzes at the end of each category.
The USPA Integrated Student Program provides one effective and detailed progression for training students for their A license. It is not a required program or the only good training outline. However, students should ensure that the training program at their school meets the USPA standards outlined in the Basic Safety Requirements.
Who needs this section?
- skydiving students
- instructional rating holders
- drop zone staff developing student training programs