USPA Staff / Sunday, February 13, 2022 / Categories: Industry News, Homepage USPA USPA Is Working for You: Board of Directors Hold First Meeting of 2022-2024 Term The USPA Board of Directors held its first meeting of the 2022-2024 term in Houston, Texas, February 11-13. A new standard, the meeting was broadcast via Zoom allowing any members to attend virtually. Meeting highlights include: U.S. Skydiving Safety Foundation funds were allocated towards the development of instructional-rating holder educational videos on professionalism. To support non-English speaking students, USPA will begin to include translated SIMs on the USPA website. Major revamp of USPA website coming later this year. USPA will be doubling down on public relations efforts to bring greater media attention to our sport and skydiving community. S&TA online training modules receive a major upgrade. To aid in student retention, USPA will develop a “Starter Magazine.” 2023 USPA Nationals was awarded to Skydive Paraclete XP. 2023 National Collegiate Skydiving Championships was awarded to Skydive Elsinore. USPA will submit a bid to host the 2024 International Skydiving Commission (ISC) Plenary Meeting. USPA implemented a 30-day time limit to submit state records. In support of our record-setting competitors, USPA will cover the fees required to claim international records set at USPA Nationals. USPA increased the funding allotment to U.S. Parachute Team management. There will now be a requirement to publish a tentative schedule for Nationals, subject to competitor feedback prior to publishing the final schedule. USPA is increasing judging compensation at Nationals. 4-way Beginner Class will continue as a test event at the 2022 USPA National Championships. USPA Headquarters building has been paid off. New Group Member DZs will now be required to provide a copy of their flight operations handbook. USPA will move forward with rewriting the SIM, with plans to complete by the summer meeting. Updated USPA Value Statement and added discrimination and harassment language to USPA manuals. The annual general membership meeting was held on Saturday evening, with an after-party at Sam’s Boat, allowing members to mingle with directors and staff. A full report of the meeting will appear in the April issue of Parachutist. The next board meeting will be July 22-24, 2022, in Alexandria, Virginia. Previous Article Major General Singlaub, Former USPA Board Member and Decorated Military Parachutist, Dies at Age 100 Next Article U.S. Accuracy Landing Team Goes for Gold in Strakonice! Print 5032 Tags: February 2022